The Next Step
On Halloween 2016 Michael Clark asked me to be his girlfriend. I was so excited! Here was a guy I really liked who wanted to actually date me. I have had tons of guy friends, but that all they were. We had hung out played games and the like, but none of them really wanted to date me. Of course I said yes. He then asked if I could watch his cat for and drive him to the airport in the morning for his flight to Hong Kong. He spent ten days there. I don't think it would have been very hard for me to have him gone if we had waited to make it official until after he got back, but those first ten days of girlfriend without him there was really hard. I am happy to say though that I made it through as did the cat.
During this time it was more discovery of each other. We both like Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder, Epic Fantasy Role Playing, reading, animals, and a strong sense of family. While in he was in Hong Kong I got day texts just letting me know how he was doing. He told his family about me and they were really excited. I think most of it was just that he was dating someone. At least I think that is how it started and then it blossomed into oh we can't wait to meet her.
During the month of November we did a lot of talking about getting married (fast I know)(Oh and yes I did get to the I Love You stage). I still had not met his parents yet (they live in Hong Kong) and he had not really had "the conversation" with my dad. So Thanksgiving hit like it does ever year and I invited him to my parent's house for the weekend. So off we went on a one hour road trip to my parent's house. He got to know my family a little better and meet my youngest sister and her husband. We played with my nieces and just had a relaxing fun time.

Now comes one of the funniest/shocking parts of the story (I will explain later). So ever year our town does a Christmas Light Parade on Thanksgiving night that closes with Santa Clause coming to town at the end. So we are outside on the sidewalk of main street waiting for the parade to start when my dad asks, "So Regina did you bring a bag to collect candy as they throw it?" "No, but that is ok most of the time they run out of candy by the time they get this far." (We were at the end of the route). Dad, "Oh, well I see that Michael is wearing a hat we could use that." "No, I think Michael should eave on his hat he gets cold pretty easy." Dad, "Oh, ok" That is were I thought the conversation would end, but no. Few minutes later my dad says, "I know we could use he pants. If we tie the ends of the legs together they would hold the candy in nicely!" "Um, how about we leave my boyfriends pants on please." Dad, "Oh, are you sure?" "Yes." end of conversation right? WRONG? Michael then says, "Well sir speaking of taking off my pants, might I have your permission to marry your daughter?" BOMB!! I went so many shades of red. I am sure that everyone could my face glowing bright red and it was dark outside. To have Michael capitalize on this was not something I had seen in his personality before so it took me by surprise. I could expect that type of conversation from some of my other guys friends, but not Michael.

So on Dec. 22, 2016 Michael Clark asked my to marry him in front of the Provo City Center Temple. I of course said yes. The next he flew out to New Mexico to spend Christmas with his grandpa (I know it feels like he is making a habit of this). I was so in love with him and couldn't wait to spend the rest of our lives and eternity with him! Next...WEDDING BELLS!